About Parkour Blockcraft

Parkour Blockcraft appears to be a game set in the world of Blockcraft, where players navigate a blocky environment, jumping over obstacles to reach portals. The objective is to finish the game quickly and share your score with friends. 

How to play Parkour Blockcraft

Here's a hypothetical guide on controls and how to play:

Controls Guide (Hypothetical):

  1. Arrow Keys or WASD: Use the arrow keys or WASD keys to control the movement of your character.

  2. Jump: Press the spacebar to make your character jump.

  3. Double Jump (If Applicable): Some parkour games allow for a double jump. If this feature is available, you might be able to perform a second jump in mid-air.

  4. Portal Interaction: Approach the portals and press a designated key to enter them. This key might be the spacebar or another action key.

How to Play (Hypothetical):

  1. Start the Game: Launch the game and select the play option.

  2. Objective: The goal is to navigate through the blocky world, jumping over obstacles to reach portals.

  3. Navigate Blocks: Jump over blocks and obstacles in your path.

  4. Avoid Falling: Be careful not to fall down, as falling might result in restarting the level or losing points.

  5. Reach Portals: Make your way to the portals located throughout the level.

  6. Finish Quickly: Complete the level as quickly as possible for a higher score.

  7. Share Your Score: If the game has a social feature, you may be able to share your score with friends.