About DrawThis.io

DrawThis.io is an online strategy game that involves drawing and guessing. Players take turns drawing a given word or phrase, while others try to guess what is being drawn. The game typically operates in a real-time online multiplayer setting. Here's a general guide on how to play and the potential controls:

How to play DrawThis.io

Game Overview:

  • Genre: Drawing, Strategy, .io.
  • Objective: Draw a given word or phrase for others to guess, and guess what others are drawing.
  • Gameplay: Real-time online multiplayer drawing and guessing.

How to Play:

  1. Join a Game: Access the game on Lagged.com or through your preferred platform.
  2. Drawing Turns: Players take turns drawing a word or phrase assigned to them.
  3. Guessing Turns: While one player draws, others attempt to guess the drawing.
  4. Scoring: Points may be awarded for correct guesses, both in drawing and guessing rounds.
  5. Word Bank: The game likely has a word bank or database from which words or phrases are randomly assigned.

Controls Guide:

  1. Drawing Tools: Use on-screen drawing tools, such as a brush or pencil, to create your drawing.
  2. Color Palette: Select colors from a palette to add variety to your drawings.
  3. Guessing Input: Enter your guesses into a text box provided during guessing rounds.
  4. Interface Interaction: Click or tap on the game interface to interact with drawing tools, menus, and buttons.


  1. Creativity in Drawing: Be creative in your drawings to make it challenging and fun for others to guess.
  2. Observation Skills: Sharpen your observation skills to quickly guess what others are drawing.
  3. Communication (If Applicable): Some versions allow players to communicate or provide hints.
  4. Fast Thinking: In timed rounds, think quickly to draw or guess within the given time limit.
  5. Enjoy the Variety: The game often includes a diverse range of words and phrases.