About Paper Snakes

Paper Snakes are a simple yet fun craft and game that have been enjoyed by children and adults alike for generations. Made from thin strips of paper, these slithering creatures can be created in various sizes and colors, offering endless possibilities for creativity.

Playing with Paper Snakes

Once you've created your paper snakes, there are several ways to play with them:

  • Snake races: Have a competition to see whose snake can slither the fastest across a designated course.
  • Snake charmer: Use a stick or pencil to "charm" your snake into following your movements.
  • Snake battles: Have two snakes "fight" by twirling them around each other until one unravels.
  • Decorative snakes: Hang paper snakes from ceilings or trees for a festive touch.

Tips for making and playing with paper snakes:

  • Experiment with different paper types and thicknesses to create unique snakes.
  • Add details like eyes or patterns using markers or crayons.
  • Get creative with your playing scenarios.

How to play Paper Snakes

Using Mouse and Keyboard.