About WorldBox

WorldBox is a god simulator and sandbox game developed by Maxim Karpenko. In this game, you take on the role of a deity and have the power to create and manipulate entire worlds, civilizations, creatures, and natural disasters. The game offers players a creative and god-like experience, where they can shape and influence the world in various ways.


How to play WorldBox

Here's some general information about the game and how to play it:

Game Description:

  • Genre: God Simulator, Sandbox
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices

Key Features:

  • God-Like Powers: As a deity, you have a toolbox of abilities that you can use to shape the world and its inhabitants.
  • Dynamic World: The planet in "WorldBox" is in motion, with animals having characteristics and needs. Creatures will search for nourishment, and ambitious rulers will seek to acquire more lands.

How to Play:

  • Creation: You can start by creating your world. This may involve shaping the terrain, introducing creatures, and establishing civilizations. The level of detail and customization can vary, allowing for a wide range of creative possibilities.

  • Manipulation: You have the power to influence various aspects of your world. You can help civilizations thrive or bring about destruction and chaos through natural disasters or divine intervention.

  • Observation: Much of the gameplay involves observing how your world and its inhabitants interact. You can watch civilizations grow, creatures evolve, and see the consequences of your actions unfold.

  • Experimentation: "WorldBox" encourages experimentation, allowing you to test different scenarios and see how they impact your world. This experimentation can lead to unexpected and entertaining outcomes.

Controls Guide:

The specific controls for "WorldBox" may vary depending on the platform you're playing on (e.g., PC or mobile). For detailed control instructions, it's best to refer to the in-game tutorials or guides provided by the developer. You can typically find control information in the game's settings or options menu.

In summary, "WorldBox" is a god simulator and sandbox game that offers players the power to create and manipulate entire worlds. The gameplay revolves around experimenting with your god-like abilities, observing the consequences of your actions, and enjoying the dynamic and evolving world you create.